Types of Motion

This House Would

A THW motion proposes an action or policy and asks debaters to debate its implementation. Unlike motions focused on abstract principles (like “This House Believes That”), THW motions are rooted in policy and often require practical and detailed arguments about the consequences of enacting the proposed change.


This House Would (THW)


The focus is on implementing a specific action or policy. Debaters must discuss the practicalities and implications of this action.


These motions require debaters to think like policymakers, addressing logistics, enforcement, and impact.

Comparative Debate

The debate often revolves around comparing the proposed action to the status quo or alternative solutions.

Proposition’s Burden

The Proposition team must provide a clear plan or model for implementing drug legalization, addressing how it will work and the anticipated benefits.

Proposition could argue that: 

  • Legalization reduces crime rates by removing the black market and decriminalizing users.
  • It ensures safer, regulated access to drugs, reducing overdoses and contamination-related deaths.
  • Tax revenues from legal sales can be redirected to healthcare and rehabilitation programs.
  • Historical failures of prohibition (e.g., alcohol prohibition in the U.S.) demonstrate the ineffectiveness of criminalizing substances.

The Opposition team must argue against the feasibility or desirability of the policy, focusing on its drawbacks and unintended consequences.

Opposition could argue that:

  • Legalization could increase drug use, leading to greater societal harm, such as addiction and public health crises.
  • Enforcement of regulations in a legalized market might be inadequate, allowing unsafe practices to persist.
  • The policy could create a moral hazard, normalizing drug use and sending the wrong message to younger generations.
  • Alternative solutions, such as decriminalization paired with strong rehabilitation programs, could achieve similar benefits without full legalization.

Define Key Terms and the Scope of the Policy

Clearly define what the motion entails. For example, in the drug legalization motion, specify whether all drugs include recreational and prescription drugs, how the policy will be regulated, and who the key stakeholders are.

Present a Feasible Model

Provide a clear and practical plan for implementing the policy. For example:
Establish a government-regulated framework for production, distribution, and sales.
Outline safeguards, such as age restrictions, licensing, and quality controls.

Highlight Benefits/Harms

Acknowledge potential harms but show how they can be minimized or argue that the policy contradicts societal values or sets a dangerous precedent. Highlight potential harms/benefits that the other team has overlooked

Use Comparative Analysis

Compare the proposed policy to the status quo or alternative policies, demonstrating why the your team’s approach is superior.